
How women store stress and trauma in their body

Disclaimer: All of these views are my own from my own experiences. I am not a woman hater & what I have observed may not apply to all women.

Before we start talking about stress and trauma in women, I think we need to mention feminine and masculine energy. These are super broad topics in themselves, but for the purpose of this article, all we need to know is that – every woman has both masculine as well as feminine energy inside her (all humans do). Masculine energy is the forward moving, ‘doing’, controlling energy – it’s actually much more but for this article, this will suffice. Similarly, feminine energy is the waiting and watching, ‘being’, letting it go energy (+ a lot more!). Both energies are present in every human being and they are not in competition with one another, they should actually complement each other.

Now the women who deal with stress, tend to be more in their masculine energies – i.e., they are more in the doing mode, they want to get things done quickly and in their way. In short these women are task masters and therefore they have a higher need of control than the average woman. If you work in corporate culture, you might have seen such women somewhere in the management chain. For such women, stress often shows up in the same places as that in a man. Stress in women can also be held in the head, near the third-eye chakra (Ajna chakra) and in the neck.

Now the other kind of women, who are usually balanced in their masculine and feminine energies or the ones who are more in their feminine energies – of letting it go, relaxing, being – such women usually don’t experience much stress – but they experience trauma. This is because they might not be trying to control a situation but might be trying to get a particular outcome they wished out of the situation. If the outcome does not match the expectation – women might experience feelings of sadness, despair, grief, helplessness and heartbreak. These are feelings from the women’s heart chakra (Anahata chakra). We can categorize this as trauma when it occurs in a prolonged or frequent fashion,

A woman who has experienced considerable trauma, can also store this trauma in her hips. Hips relate to the root and sacral chakra (Muladhar chakra and Svadhishtan chakra). This can manifest as a woman who gets petrified under a situation which is considered threatening by her. It can cause her to freeze up. Most women also carry an abandonment wound – which has been carried over for multiple lifetimes – which does show up in the hips and sexual organs. Sexual trauma is held in the heart and in the sexual organs.

So if you are a woman or if you are reading this for the special woman in your life. Here is how you can help them.

Stress: For stress you can do similar things as mentioned in men’s stress blog post. For stress stored in neck or head – neck massages and standing in your power and speaking your truth is key.

Trauma: For heart  – mantra meditation does wonders for a broken heart. Please see link to a beautiful heart healing mantra below. For trauma stored in hips, moving the hips, playing, dancing, swimming, activities in water, etc. can help transmute it. There are many hip opening exercises explained online.  Sexual trauma healing needs more time and professional guidance. Talk therapy with a licensed therapist is also wonderful for any type of trauma described above.

So women, who are reading this blog – the ultimate purpose of any human being is to find the right balance, get union within themselves of their masculine as well as feminine energies. The core wound of ‘abandonment’ keeps surfacing for most women, but every time it does – we are challenged again to be whole within ourself (by building the masculine energies). When a woman gets stressed because things are not in her control, it’s a clue that it’s time to let go of expectations (from a man, a job, society or anything else) and go within to align with the flow of the Universe. You are all Goddesses in disguise, all you need to do is realize your true self! <3

Mantra for heart meditation. This mantra will definitely make you cry, once you are a bit advanced with it. Doing a meditation with it for 40 days without a break  is helpful:

Image credit : https://www.covenofthegoddess.com/goddess-asherah/